Feed Tag Analysis

  • Purina Start and Grow feed

    Purina Start and Grow Feed

    This Chicken Starter feed is great for uniformity and is readily available at box stores nationwide. But for a starter it is a little low for protein and amino acids. I would use a breeder supplement with it that has meat and plant protein in it to boost the nutrients. I really like to see chicken starter protein above 20% like 22-23%, Lysine between 1.1-1.3%, Methionine .5%, Vitamin A 7,000 iu/lb., Vitamin D to 2,000 iu/lb., Vitamin E 50iu/lb. Those vitamins and amino acids are really important for chick development and setting them up to he vigorous.

  • Kahuku  Gamecock Mix

    Kahuku Gamecock Mix

    A gamefowl specific feed in Hawaii, the amino acids could be quadrupled and be what they should be for GF. I selected it because I wanted to point out that you will see low amino acids by companies to keep cost down. Freight on products is high to Hawaii and they short the ingredients to keep cost manageable but your animals are the ones that suffer.

  • Kalmbach Layer Feed

    Kalmbach All Natural 17% Layer

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