Your Guide to all Things Poultry

Welcome to our community of passionate breeders where creativity, strategy, and innovation come to life. We're here to support your journey in poultry from start to mastery.

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Our World

Listening to the Poultry Nerds Podcast is like diving into a feathered wonderland where each episode unravels the world of poultry with delightful quirkiness. There's something for every poultry enthusiast with our variety of guests. We embrace the nerdiness of it all, from quirky facts about feathering patterns to passionate debates over the merits of various breeds, making each episode feel like a cozy chat with your fellow poultry pals. Join us, as your inner poultry nerd is about to take flight!

Logo with two cartoon chickens wearing glasses, text "Poultry Nerds Podcast"

PoultryNerds Merch

Meet the Nerds

Portrait of a woman smiling, with long blonde hair, wearing a light-colored jacket. A lamp and a plaid fabric are visible in the background.
Portrait of a man with a beard, wearing a suit and red tie, against a plain background.

Jennifer Bryant

  • Jennifer lives in Tennessee with husband, David. They have a farm with cows, goats, pigs and poultry.

    She raises several species but her fave is Buff Orpingtons.

    Jennifer has a Bachelors in Animal Science and has had poultry for many years.

  • Carey lives in Alabama with his wife, Tamara and their kids. He has a background in computer sciences and teaches cyber security.

    Carey has had poultry for over 30 years and his faves are Rhode Island Reds and American Bresse.

Looking For More?

We are proud supporters of Coturnix Corner Kids! If your child age 5-17 is interested in starting quail, check out the website here, and get the details.

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